Mountain and trekking hostel in and around Ouest, Réunion Island - 2 matches

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2 accommodations
Dos d'Ane
Dos d'Ane (2910 mi. to )   Map
Guest reviews: 95% (35 of 37 recommend)
Mountain and trekking hostel | Located in Dos d'Ane in the heights above La Possession, Les Acacias has a holiday gite with the ""Gîtes de France"" label, near the owner's house. 4 rooms each accommodating 4 people. Views of the sea, and dayrooms with open fireplace. Access to ...

Dos d'Ane
Dos d'Ane (2910 mi. to )   Map
Guest reviews: 98% (85 of 87 recommend)
Mountain and trekking hostel | "Bienvenue dans les Hauts" gîte, with its fabulous sea view, is located in La Possession, in a place know as Dos d'âne, on the GRR2, near numerous hiking trails.

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  • Cirque de Mafate (18)
  • Ouest (3)

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