Case Péi

Address: 150 bis, chemin Ligne Berthaud, 97435 Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts
Location: Ouest
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Guest score: 100% 2 of 2 recommend (1 review)
Directions: From Saint-Denis head for Saint-Paul by taking the Route des Tamarins.
Exit at l'Eperon. At the Centhor roundabout, head for Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts and then turn left in Chemin Lacaille. Go straight ahead for 2 km until you reach Chemin Ligne Berthaud, where you'll find Case Péi
at number 150 bis.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: -21.046735
Longitude: 55.279313
Latitude: -21° 2' 48"
Longitude: 55° 16' 46"

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